Smart IDReader AI document recognition system is now RED OS compatible

In order to develop technological cooperation, the compatibility tests of multi-platform technology for automatic recognition of ID documents Smart IDReader (by Smart Engines) and the domestic operating system RED OS (by RED SOFT) were conducted. The test results confirmed the correct operation of the products and are reflected in a bilateral certificate.

RED OS is a Russian, Linux-family, general-purpose operating system for servers and workstations. The product is certified by FSTEC of Russia (Cert. No. 4060, dated January 12, 2019), which confirms its compliance with the requirements of information security and allows its use for Government information systems and Personal Data systems up to class 1 inclusively. The RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian software and databases of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia (reg. No. 3751).

Smart IDReader is a domestic multi-platform technology for automatic recognition of identification documents from scans, photos and video streams of mobile phones and webcams. Smart IDReader provides secure processing of RF passports and other documents, as all calculations during the recognition process are performed autonomously on a mobile phone, server or local computer without transferring personal data to third party services. Smart IDReader is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases of the Russian Ministry of Communications (№2326).

"The functionality of an operating system is determined primarily by the wide profile of products compatible with it. In this sense, RED OS has already established itself as a universal environment. However, we consider the cooperation with Smart Engines unique. The proven compatibility of Smart IDReader with RED OS allows us to offer the market a solution that fully complies with the import substitution policy", Rustam Rustamov, Deputy RED SOFT CEO, commented.

“Smart Engines is developing multi-platform recognition technologies that allow customers to meet the requirements of regulators when processing personal data in various information systems. In the process of recognition using Smart IDReader, data is not transmitted to external servers, is not stored, and the calculations are performed completely autonomously and do not require Internet access. Cooperation with RED SOFT allows us to offer our clients a safe solution for processing personal data in case the use of popular operating platforms of foreign manufacturers impossible due to technical parameters or due to some other restrictions”, PhD Vladimir Arlazarov, Smart Engines CEO, emphasizes.