RED SOFT will speak at PROF-IT

The IX All-Russian Forum of Regional Informatization PROF-IT will take place on September 23-24 in Nizhny Novgorod.

For two days at PROF-IT there will be a RED SOFT booth, where the developer will present the RED OS operating system and the digital platform for electronic interaction between the regional executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the FSSP of Russia " Compulsory Collection" (CPPI). 

The company's specialists will demonstrate import-independent IT products and talk about the peculiarities of their implementation based on the real cases. On September 24th, within the framework of PROF-IT, a round table on "Import substitution of ICT in Public Administrations - lessons learned and current challenges" under the guidance of Ilya Massukh, Director of the Center of Competence for ICT Import Substitution, will take place. Rustam Rustamov, Deputy RED SOFT CEO, will be a speaker with his report "Practice of switching to domestic operating systems in the regions". Event starts at 11:30.