RED SOFT and INTERTRAST tested their products compatibility

RED SOFT and INTERTRAST, within the framework of the technology cooperation agreement, tested their products compatibility. As a result, the correctness of work of the CompanyMedia, document-based business processes management system, under the Russian operating system RED OS was confirmed.

RED OS is a multiuser, multitask general-purpose operating system for servers and workstations, which provides a universal environment for the applications. The product is certified by FSTEC of Russia (Cert. No. 4060, dated January 12, 2019), which confirms its compliance with the requirements of information security and allows its use for Government information systems. The RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian software and databases of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia (reg. No. 3751).

CompanyMedia is an import-independent corporate electronic document management system. While maintaining the functions of office automation, CompanyMedia focuses on the work of managers and business professionals. CompanyMedia provides these categories of employees with tools for analyzing and making management decisions, evaluating staff performance, and improving the effectiveness of the organization’s core activities. The CompanyMedia DMS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian software and databases of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia (No. 871).

“RED SOFT and INTERTRAST cooperate in different planes. We are actively developing bilateral partnership, as evidenced by the excellent results of regularly conducted tests. Besides that, both companies are members of the Committee for the Integration of Russian Software under the “Otechestvenniy Soft” (Domestic software) assn., within the framework of which we are developing a compatibility catalog. INTERTRAST is a team of professionals. We have many common interests", Rustam Rustamov, deputy RED SOFT CEO comments.

“One of the main trends in the development of our DMS over the past two years has been import independence and we are satisfied with the successful test result of our system under the Russian OS by RED SOFT. Customers, especially government agencies and state-owned companies, are now able to use Russian software on the entire stack of software components, which increases the reliability and security of information systems", Alexander Savelyev, deputy general director of INTERTRAST COMPANY JSC said.