RED SOFT and Fastwel develop technology partnership

RED SOFT and Fastwel, the Russian developers, tested their products for compatibility. The test results confirmed the correct operation of the RED OS operating system (by RED SOFT) with the CPC518 processor module (by Fastwel). As a result, a bilateral certificate was signed.

RED OS is a multi-user, multitasking general-purpose operating system for servers and workstations, providing a universal environment for application software. The product has a certificate of FSTEC of Russia (№4060 of 12.01.2019), which confirms its compliance with information security requirements and allows its use in government information systems. RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases of the Ministry of Communications of Russia (№3751).

CPC518 processor module is made in CompactPCI Serial 3U form factor. The module is based on the CPU of Intel Xeon D-15xxx, Pentium D-15xxx family, with brazed RAM (16 - 32 Gbytes) and SSD (from 32 Gbytes). The module operates in the temperature range from -40 to +70°C (version with convection heat removal), or from -50 to +85°C (version with conductive heat removal). The main area of usage of CPC518 are on-board and stationary computer systems operating in severe conditions, which require multi-core x86-compatible computers with high performance.

"By expanding the list of Russian products compatible with RED OS, we contribute to the technological independence of the country. Together with our colleagues from Fastwel we offer a domestic solution aimed at ensuring security in heterogeneous systems," Rustam Rustamov, Deputy RED SOFT CEO, comments.

"Fastwel continues its commitment to developing import-substituting computing systems for domestic users. In this connection, cooperation with the manufacturers of Russian operating systems - in particular, with the RED SOFT company - is an important step towards the creation of full-fledged hardware and software platforms capable to compete with foreign analogs", - Nikolay Sergienko, brand manager of Fastwel, says.