EOS and RED SOFT Announced Partnership

Russian developers EOS and RED SOFT signed an agreement on technology partnership. As part of the agreement, developers will test their products for compatibility. The development of cooperation is a logical continuation of the work of companies in the Committee for the Integration of Domestic Software at the "Domestic software" Association. EOS and RED SOFT are members of the Association and participating in the development of the Russian software compatibility catalog.

“ The ranks of our technology partners have been replenished with such a successful company as RED SOFT. And this is very good. We are confident that such a partnership will provide our customers with even more opportunities to choose modern operating systems and DBMS compatible with EOS solutions. In cooperation with RED SOFT, we see prospects for expanding the range of complex import-substituting solutions", - Elena Ivanova, Marketing Director at EOS, says.

“ We strive to integrate with our products as many Russian solutions as possible. This is the main task of the RED SOFT Partnership Program. We are glad for promising and prospective cooperation with such a giant as EOS. Soon compatibility tests will give the first results”, - Rustam Rustamov, Deputy RED SOFT CEO, comments.

EOS is the leading Russian manufacturer and supplier of workflow automation systems, ECM systems and electronic archives. EOS solutions are listed in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases of the Ministry of Communications of Russia. The company has more than 7,000 clients, 1,000,000 workplace installations, more than 260 partners in Russia and the CIS.

RED SOFT is a Russian IT solutions and services supplier. The company carries out comprehensive projects in the field of data storage and management based on its own product line (RED OS, Red Database DBMS, Red Document Management Platform, REDGATE, Gembaface).