RED SOFT accelerated the placement of services on the Unified Government Services Portal (EPGU)

As part of a government contract, RED SOFT made a rapid conversion of government services of the Federal Accreditation Service into electronic form. This process took no more than three months. Previously, the process took twice as much time.

To achieve such a result, the developer used, for the first time, an integrated solution based on REDCHLUZ and an open cloud forms builder (OKF). RED SOFT specialists were able to develop interactive forms themselves, not involving portal developers thus shortening the process by 90 days.

REDSHLUZ is a RED SOFT solution for organizing the interagency electronic interaction and providing state services electronically. Registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases under No. 4312.

Cloud form builder for electronic services is a solution from Russian Ministry of Digital Development intended for self-development of interactive forms for uploading to the EPGU.

The Federal Accreditation Service became one of the first agencies whose services were converted into electronic form in a reduced time frame.